"Kekecewaan mengajar kita erti kehidupan. Teruskan perjuangan kita walaupun terpaksa menghadapi rintangan demi rintangan dalam hidup"

"Cinta itu memberi, cinta itu mendengar, cinta itu berkorban, cinta itu tanggungjawab, cinta itu mendoakan dan cinta itu memaafkan"

"“Sekiranya kita telah bertemu dengan seorang insan yang amat mulia sebagai teman dalam hidup kita,janganlah lepaskannya kerana kita tidak tahu bilakah pula kita akan bertemu dengan insan yang seumpamanya.”

Freedom for Palestine!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

so sad...

Assalamualaikum :)

Feeling blue today...
Something is up,
and i don't really know how to handle it,
Scared of saying something,
cos it might not be the right word,
or else i might end up hurting somebody else's feelings,
and that AIN'T right!

We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. We often discover what we will do, by finding out what we will not do.
Samuel Smiles

Then i came across this ayat in Surah Taha (21),

"Maka sabarlah engkau (Muhammad) atas apa yang mereka katakan dan bertasbihlah dengan memuji Tuhanmu sebelum matahari terbit, dan sebelum matahari terbenam; dan bertasbihlah pula pada waktu tengah malam dan di ujung siang hari, agar engkau merasa tenang."

"Dan janganlah engkau tujukan pandangan matamu kepada kenikmatan yang telah kami berikan kepada beberapa golongan dari mereka, sebagai bunga kehidupan dunia. Agar kami uji mereka dengan kesenangan itu, kurnia Tuhanmu lebih baik dan lebih kekal."

Sometimes you don't always get what you want,
or things just don't go as how you plan it,
and at times you may feel like saying that "life is unfair",
when you look at people around you,
why others can be successful and why can't you?,
you work as hard as they were,
and you really work your butt off,
but things just don't go as how you expect it to be.....

Then after a while thinking through all of this,
things will just come into your senses,
why did all this stuff happen to you??

And i always believe that "Something happens for a reason",

and i came across this words which really clicked me;
we may have worked so hard for something,
but in the end the result was not how we imagine it would be,
so no matter how bad the result it,
or seburuk mana pun consequences that we are facing,
Allah maha mengetahui,
Allah is our creator,
so Allah knows what is best for us,

maybe when we don't achieve something it turns out to be that the thing is not right for us,
there's always another path somewhere else for us,
the important thing is to Redha dengan kehendak Allah,
Have faith in Allah,

And most important thing is to NOT give up!
Failure isn't the end of your life,
Failure is the beginning of your fruitful journey,
(I made that one up, it sounds nice :))

And i still believe that; Something happens for a reason.

So sorry i was babbling around,
these words are just for my self-motivation,

for that someone, you know who you are,
i will always be there for you,
so no worries,
i ain't going anywhere :)

Here is a song from 5ive - Keep moving on (with lyrics) just make you want to sing and dance along with it. Enjoy!

Have a nice day, ya'll!!

Lila Salleh :D

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