"Kekecewaan mengajar kita erti kehidupan. Teruskan perjuangan kita walaupun terpaksa menghadapi rintangan demi rintangan dalam hidup"

"Cinta itu memberi, cinta itu mendengar, cinta itu berkorban, cinta itu tanggungjawab, cinta itu mendoakan dan cinta itu memaafkan"

"“Sekiranya kita telah bertemu dengan seorang insan yang amat mulia sebagai teman dalam hidup kita,janganlah lepaskannya kerana kita tidak tahu bilakah pula kita akan bertemu dengan insan yang seumpamanya.”

Freedom for Palestine!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cerita from last week...Last day of TP

Today...smpai sudah a week that we abis doing TP. Kdg2 i felt like masih jua ngajar...maybe pasal masih ngajar durang di rumah atu kali ah...hehee.. Teachers badminton tournament pun abis jua last wednesday. Well we won the last two games.. Ntah ah..berapa points have we collected..i don't know. Of all the 8 ganes that we played...2 games sja kalah...huhh.. Masa nie i got the chance utk ahir bgn pagi...yeeeaa.. batah sudah nda ahir bgn...jumaat ahad pun nda jua dpt...sal ngajar..weekdays pun jadilahh. Wat else ah?? Ntah...seems like nda idea kan ckap apa lagi.. I was suppose to jalan krg malam tapi due to some unavoidable circumstances....everything kna cancel....oh well...i cud do some other eat...heeeh....i wanna eat cake...ntah napa..

With some of the 4A's students :)

Farewell party by the 4D students :)

dgn students from table tennis club...siuukk!

Another farewell party by the girls in Muara

Last picture of the day . . . :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Hehehe...batah nya nda update.. Sibuk berabis.. Ptg ani finally dpat chance utk berehat cos nda badminton tournament ptg ani. I finished my women's double last saturday sudah....yipeee...3 games win and 1 game lost...tpi nda was a good game.. Mixed double lagi next week lagi sambung.. I didn't get a chance to ambil gambar during the game...its either nda sampat, nada time...or apa lagi...jadi umpire, jadi lines woman...hehehe... but it was an experience...siuuukkk!!!

I haven't finish marking yet....especially the physics paper...paning kuuu....the answers smua kan sama...heheeh..but i'll try kan siapkan smua by this ptg insya Allah! I've finished my maths sudah...and students really kn tau markah durg.. But i can say all students did well....mostly above 20s...but they really need to work extra hard.

TP is almost over....borrringg.. apa tah kn dibuat nie..hehehe...